Protecting blue whales and blue skies

The protection program went on between July 1st 2016 to November 15th 2016. The focus of the program was to reduce greenhouse gas emissions of vessels and avoid whale collisions by encouraging slow sailing speeds in California’s Santa Barbara Channel region. Vessels registered in this program were obligated to reduce speeds to 12 knots or less.

Slowing ship speeds to save whales and environment

During the period July to November 2016, an increase was to be found in whale population for the Santa Barbara Channel region, including blue whales, humpback whales and fin whales. Since there are thousands of vessels passing through the Santa Barbara Channel every year, ship strikes are a huge hazard to the threatened whale population. To slow ship speeds has been proved as reducing the risk of such fatal strikes.

Kristi Birney, the marine conservation analyst for the Santa Barbara-based Environmental Defense Center explained “When you slow ships down you provide whale conservation and cleaner air for us to breathe here on the shore”.

Evergreen Line and environmental engagement

Environmental engagement is very close to our heart. As the agent of Evergreen Line, we are therefore particularly proud that Evergreen Line is committed to safeguarding the environment, both of marine ecosystems and port communities. Over the years, Evergreen Line has worked with government agencies, scientific research institutions, cargo owners and additional relevant parties in the supply chain on various environmental protection programs.

Do you want to read more about this recognition and learn more about the result of this protection program? Read the full article here. Are you interested in Evergreen Line’s environmental work? Visit our website and find out how we invest in the environment as well as how we work with environmental actions to minimize emissions of vessels. Moreover, do not forget – you can always reach us in our social media channels!

Head of Communications

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