Hi Sara! How did you end up at Greencarrier Liner Agency?
– I started to work at Greencarrier Liner Agency in June after meeting Greencarrier at Sjölog 2016, which is a job fair in Gothenburg for the shipping industry. The job fair is quite large and the purpose is to allow students that study shipping in Gothenburg, to meet furture employeers as well as for employeers to meet their potential employees. I went to this job fair last year to find a company where I could work during the summer. I met Johan and Tobias from Greencarrier Liner Agency and got a great impression, so I didn’t hesitate to send my CV to the office in Gothenburg. Luckily I landed a summer internship. That went pretty good, and I was offered to continue after the summer as well!
Why should you meet Greencarrier at Sjölog 2017?
– It is always good to expand your network and collect new contacts for the furture. Greencarrier Liner Agency is a really fun company with a lot of awesome employees. So don’t hesitate to come and meet us at Sjölog 2017. Who knows, maybe we are your future employer? We are really looking forward to meet you at Sjölog 2017!
What is your advice to the students that will visit Sjölog 2017?
– Always be yourself!